One Step at a Time

Have you ever heard the term ‘Acrasia’?

If not, I’m sure you’ve heard of or experienced procrastination. Acrasia is similar; simply a lack of self-control or the state of acting against one's better judgment. In other words, choosing to ignore what needs to be done to accomplish something.

It’s not always as simple as choosing to procrastinate or avoid the steps to succeed, sometimes it boils down to blurred vision (future) or fatigue. The simple solution is to… Keep battling one step at a time.

Success is a broad term, but however you define your success it’ll take time, massive effort, and faith in the plan. Success won’t come from a magic pill, or miracle online course. There’s no new job or place you can move to that will make everything better. It’s the small things you do better every day that compound.

For you athletes you know this means that fatigue comes before fitness, or that you’ll feel far worse before you feel better. For everyone else, it’s the hours of practice at your craft before the light bulb comes on. It’s all the same - relentless dedication and faith in your course and abilities.

Anything you want can be learned or improved on, but it all comes one step at a time. One project, workout, experience, or habit.

What are two things that make this possible?

Consistency - every day - plan for moderation if you have the time and commitment or plan for a deep dive where your life will revolve around the goal. Either way, plan for a marathon.
Control - emotional and environmental. Meditation, mindset, budgeting (physical, mental, financial), and accountability. If your environment supports your goals you’ll expend less energy (Oreos in the cabinet are a temptation you don’t need). If you know you burn out, budget time for intentional changes in pace or scenery. Build accountability measures into your life.

Personally, I’m a sprinter and I’m impatient. I like things to go fast and happen now. I also have goals that simply take time. So I force myself to do things that make me patient, like the Ironman training I’m currently battling through. I hate it, but it’s made me better and I’ll definitely miss it when it’s over.

It’s not easy though, every morning at 5 am I fight the inner voice that says “stay in bed and be average today, it’s ok.”

So I immediately kill that voice with a kick-ass cup of NVR REST Coffee and start getting sh*t done. I’m sure you’re shocked to hear this, but this coffee is my ultimate weapon and why I started this company. It’s allowed me to provide quality energy and support to people like you who have massive goals and work relentlessly around the clock to accomplish them. No matter where you are in your journey, take it one step at a time and stay the course.

Keep Battling,


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